Responsive Design
Invicta is fully responsive and can adapt to any screen size. Try resizing your browser window to see the adaptation!
Free Support
We truly care about our users and our product. You can rest assure that you will get the best after sale support!
Translation Ready
Invicta if ready for being translated to your language. All the translation files are included.
Search Engine Optimized
Invicta has been created with best SEO practices in mind which allows search engines to index your site content!
Social Media
Invicta has Social Media icons all throughout the theme, so your users can stay in touch!
Search Engine Optimized
Invicta has been created with best SEO practices in mind which allows search engines to index your site content!
Video Support
Invicta support both Vimeo and Youtube videos throughout the entire theme so they can be used on any page or post!
Infinite Layout Possibilities
With the Invicta's Page Builder you have endless possibilities to create beautiful layouts!
PSD Files Included
All the PSD files used to create Invicta are included, so can try different layout approaches by graphically reorganizing contents on Photoshop.
Cross Browser Support
Your website will look nice in all the major browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE8+.
Extensive Documentation
The Invicta's documentation has extremely detailed instructions on how to customize the theme
Video Tutorials
Besides the documentation file you'll also have video tutorials, so your learning process could be more intuitive.
© 2019 - Escuela Artística Enrique Soro - Avda. Las Garzas s/n, Villa Candelaria, San Pedro de la Paz